The Pacific, 1942-1943: Take command of task forces of carriers, ships and other naval air forces. Find the forces of your opponent and strike at them before they sink your fleet, while preventing them from invading key points in the theatre of operations or supporting your own amphibious operations.

CARRIER BATTLES FOR GUADALCANAL is the PC / Mac OSX portage of the successful CARRIER BATTLES 4 GUADALCANAL for iPhone / iPad, classic hex-and-counter digital wargame covering the naval-air battles of the Pacific War, from the South Pacific in 1942-43.
- Solo play against a powerful US or Japanese AI (new in Desktop version)
- Play by Email
- 11 historical scenarios: Coral Sea May 42, Midway June 42, Eastern Solomon Aug 42, Santa Cruz Oct 42, Guadalcanal Dec 42, Bismarck Sea March 43, Rabaul
nov 43, Guadalcanal Feb 43, Guadalcanal Aug 42, Raids US March 1942, Wake December 41 - Varied maps with a scale of 30 miles per hex
- 80 types of warplanes, historical ships
- Naval-air search, radar, progressive intelligence gathering on enemy naval forces
- Air strikes against naval and land targets, surface battles
- Advanced damage system
- Invasion, naval bombardment
- Turn-based system
- Tutorial : a nice on-boarding sequence will guide the player to the depth of the game
- No Internet connection required to play against the AI
- Carrier Battles for Guadalcanal and its DLC Seaplanes, Advanced Fog of War and Submarines & Torpedo Alley scenario Sep 42 are available on Steam.
- Carrier Battles is also available for Android on Google Play.
- And is available too on the App Store.
Historical, Independant, Strategy
Second World War – Pacific war
1h to 3h
1 in solo, 2 in PBEM
Cyril JARNOT & Avalon Digital
Avalon Digital
English, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Japanese