Carrier Battles for Guadalcanal
The game was originally developed as a timely manner exclusively for iPad by Indie developer Cyril Jarnot
It started in 2013. The greater challenge was on the user interface.
How to render such big maps and so many counters and action on a mobile device ?
How to give depth to the game while keeping it intuitive once the player has learned the basics ?
At the beginning the project was just a try to depict the carrier battles in the South Pacific and it later evolved to a decent beta. Then more and more ideas came in during the development phase, while exchanging with other players.
Carrier Battles for Guadalcanal was released on the Apple store in May 2016 for the iPad, and in 2018 a version for the iPhone became available.
Since its beginning, the game has greatly improved :
- 5 extra scenarios
- weather
- search pattern
- multi-player
- and much more
And now we are adapting the game for desktop (PC and Mac) and also Android, including more features too.
All the above would not have been made possible without the aficionados always eager to make suggestion or devoted testing!
Many thanks also in particular to blogger David Neumann on BGG for the occasional promotion of the game.
Carriers Battles for Guadalcanal is inspired, rather strongly but not entirely, by the wargame Carrier: The Southwest Pacific Campaign published in 1990 by Victory Games.