Roadmap 2024-2025

For info on the game evolvement, also check the roadmap  on

With work ongoing on a second game, and soon on a third, the pace of development on Carrier Battles has drastically decreased.

Nevertheless, the game is still supported and its designer would like to continue improving it.

Depending on the time available, enhancement could encompass one or some of the followings:

  • Philippines scenarios. The unbalanced historical 1944 ones, war plan orange 1942 or 1935
  • A what-if in the Indian Ocean mid-1942. Ceylon invasion instead of Midway with greater Royal Naval reinforcement in the area.
  • Wind effect on air op. Mostly restrict carrier speed in the wind direction when carrying air operations.
  • Ability to escort a TF with another TF. The latter will autopilot toward the first.

No deadline for now.
Let’s see what is the game audience reaction first.

Carrier Battles for Guadalcanal - Updated roadmap 2024
Superpower in the Pacific - Time, april 1944