Patch 1.12.6 – 1.12.7

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Correctifs Discord link Ship navigation on map edges Displayed wind direction on map Airstrike orientation Range indicator look and feel

Patch 1.12 – Into the Wind & Ceylon 1942

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Nouveau scénario : Ceylon 1942 (In-app) Nouveau module : Into the Wind (in-app) Effects of naval movement on air operation and vice versa Multijoueur No email sent to you if…

Patch 1.11.17

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Correctifs Wake, End of Rabaul : Japanese cruisers reinforcement on day 2 were appearing on map without embedded seaplanes Operation FS : Option Yamato could foiled the game at set-up…

Patch 1.1.15

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Water layer positioning on the Indian Ocean map (map effects). Resigning an online which has really started. Push overboard: the pop-up was not always displayed.

Patch 1.11.14

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Liste des modifications de ces récents patchs. Multi-player issues when joining a game with random sides

Patchs 1.1.10 – 1.11.11

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Liste des modifications de ces récents patchs. Update 1.11.11Bug fixes: Detach action was not responsive Update 1.1.10Indian Ocean Raid Reduced British seaborne AA Sea hurricane air-to-air rating drops to 2.…

Patch 1.11.6 – Raid Océan Indien & Royal Navy

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Maintenant disponible !Nouveau scénario : Raid dans l'océan Indien (DLC) La marine impériale japonaise fait une incursion dans l'océan Indien pour tenter de dissuader ou de détruire la flotte orientale…

Patch 1.10.023

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Liste des modifications de ce nouveau patch. Update 1.10.023 Bug fixes: - Remove ghost tasks forces or airstrike from map - Submarines should not prevent unloading - One freeze case…

Patch 1.10.021

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Liste des modifications de ce nouveau patch. Update 1.10.021 Midway: - fixes about strategic surprise - A bit more fuel points at Midway when playing without CV Yorktown Submarines should…